About me

I am Bo-Yu Chen (陳柏諭), a first-year undergraduate student in Physics at National Taiwan University. I also go by the name Matt. I am conducting undergraduate research about machine learning with Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu, advised by Han Liu in MAGICS lab, Department of Computer Science, Northwestern University. Furthermore, supported by UCTS fellowship, I am conducting undergraduate research about experimental quantum information with Nikhil Harle, advised by Hannes Bernien in Bernien Lab, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago. Prior to my undergraduate career, I was fortunate to have Professor Chiashain Chuang, Dung-Sheng Tsai and Po-Han Lee as my research advisors in the field of condensed matter physics.

Recent News

Topics I am currently working on experimental quantum information @ Bernien Lab:

  • Rearrangement Protocal of Dual-Species Atom Arrays

Topics I am currently working on statistical machine learning @ Magics Lab:

Topics I have previously worked on 2D materials @ Quantum Electronic Material Lab:

Topics I have worked on first principle calculation: